Missions and Outreach
“Go and make disciples of all nations…”
The Cameron Family
Greg, Yvonne, Caleb, Benaiah and Galilea Cameron are serving the Lord Jesus Christ in their missions work in the rural areas of southern Paraguay, South America. They are involved in personal evangelism through community work and volunteer teaching in the local schools, youth and camp ministry, Bible studies and visitation ministry. They are also managing some administration tasks for SIM Paraguay, conference planning, personnel coordination, mentoring and facilitation for short term missionaries.
Prayer requests are:
- For more short termers willing to use their skills in rural communities
- Growth of local Bible study groups
- The Gospel to be central in all our conversations with friends and contacts
- Growth of youth and camp ministry and school involvement
- For wisdom in administrative responsibilities and God’s provision for SIM Paraguay
- His guidance and blessing on all the conferences and training events in the coming year
- For the mentoring of new families and supporting them through transitions
They thank God for the privilege of serving Him on a team that strives to bring His Good News into places where it is least known.
Contact details: gregory.cameron@sim.org | Website: sim.org.za

Brian M
Brian met many members of the congregation when he facilitated the Kairos course earlier in 2014 and again when he preached in 2017. He calls himself a Christian Missionary to Muslims and uses the verse from 1 Corinthians 9:14 as inspiration for the missions work he does “In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the Gospel should receive their living from the Gospel.”
Miss F
Miss F (not her real name) is from the UK and was at CCS from 2008-2011. She was accepted by the missions agency, People International, to join a city-based team in Central Asia from mid 2015 for long-term service. The majority of the people there follow Islam, with much emphasis on holy places, talismans and shamans. Religious activity is closely monitored by the Government, hence the non-disclosure of her name.
Initially Miss F entered the country as a student doing language study and stayed with a local Muslim family to learn the culture. Afterwards, she used her water engineering skills by working for a Christian NGO as a volunteer, while sharing the Gospel and encouraging/training believers. She was there for five years.
Currently, however, Miss F has been in the UK since the Covid-19 lockdown began. She originally expected to return to Central Asia, but is still in the UK, and expects to be for some time.
- God to be working in the hearts of local Muslim people, to give them an awareness of personal sin, so they understand the problem is too big to be covered by ‘good works’.
- For Muslims to want to know more about Jesus the Messiah; the Koran even says he is the son of a virgin, sinless and able to work miracles.
- For Miss H’s ongoing dependence on the Lord for all the practicalities and for continued growth in Godliness and love of Jesus that overflows.
- Please pray for peace in the region as a recent election has caused civil unrest in one country, another election is imminent and war has broken out in another part of the region.
Jason Devenish