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There’s a lot going on – we’d love you to be there with us.
Sunday Services
Get to know God and His will and ways through clear, relevant Bible teaching. Sunday at 9am is the biggest appointment of your week – an appointment God calls us to keep with Himself and then with His church (Hebrews 10:25).
God calls us to pray, praise, encourage, listen, serve and learn from His Word. There is no substitute for Sunday worship. Bible groups are wonderful but they but do not replace God’s Church meeting together as one, with Him, in worship and under His Word.
We try to record as many of our Sunday sermon messages as possible. If you would like to listen to these or download them, follow the link to our Resources page.
Home Bible fellowships
Church meetings on Sundays aren’t enough to build lasting relationships (real community). Close fellowship starts in smaller groups, meeting in homes or over coffee. Please enquire about our Home Groups – we cater for all ages depending on your life stage and meeting either during the day or in the evenings. Here is the best fellowship, relationship opportunity and Q&A time you can get. In these groups you can get and you can give.
Should you be unable to get into a group and are looking for a way to keep ‘in God’s Word’ as he calls us to (Psalm 1), the church office has material for you and there are the Bible reading guides in the church entrance. Do help yourself, give one to a friend, invite a work colleague to read it with you… but do it. If you want something different to help you read your Bible, our Bible-Group leaders or council members will also assist you.

For Men
The team heading up the Men’s Committee is spread over age, race language and differing backgrounds to facilitate more personal connections and encourage men of all ages, race, languages and cultures to find commonality in the brotherhood of Christ. Men must feel at ease to approach any of the committee members to ask for guidance, prayer or support.
We aim to hold an event every two months with a total of 6 events planned annually. We have also engaged with the CCS men through flyers and surveys to make the events more pointed at the issues faced by the men of CCS. We hope this approach makes our events more marketable, more impactful and relevant.
Themes to date have ranged from business, sexual temptation, men’s illness, the men of the Reformation and various other topics. We look forward to our coming events to continue with a panel of brothers sharing their struggles, advice and nuggets of wisdom when dealing with pressure and success in the workplace.
We want to grow the relationships and mentorship aspect of church amongst the CCS men. Our focus, therefore, has taken on a more relational tone rather than evangelistic although we aim to have at least one evangelistic breakfast a year.
The structure of men’s events begins with a welcome and introduction to the morning topic followed by grace, a few conversational questions to discuss over breakfast (a hearty breakfast at a nominal donation) and a short, but punchy message before closing in prayer. Proceeds from the funds raised at the breakfasts have gone to support the annual year end teen’s camp and ad hoc needs as they arise.
We encourage the men of CCS to attend these vital meetings and make the most of the relationships and support offered at these gatherings. Visitors are always welcome and so are confidential prayer requests whether in person, by text or email to anyone of the committee members.
For Women
This ministry plays a big role in building relationships with the women in our church, providing support and care for one another, as well as giving women a place to share their experiences and offer advice.
Our aim is to encourage women to pray, read and study the Word of God and most importantly to get them to a place where they understand the Bible for themselves. The goal is to challenge women to share their faith with the people around them, to take every opportunity to teach other Christians and be great witnesses for Christ.
Our events are centred around God’s Word, choosing topics that are relevant, inspirational and practical. We encourage the ladies to serve Christ through serving one another, the church and our community.
It’s important for us to have events where women can enjoy good food, Godly fellowship as they spend time singing God’s praises and also indulge a little in the things that women love to do but don’t always get to do.
It’s a privilege to serve the women in our church and our Women’s Ministry team is filled with dedicated, loving and eager ladies who are there to look after the women of Christ Church Sandton.
We have had more and more teens come forward wanting to know Jesus more, and as a result we have seen an increase in our regular attendance.
We have also had the opportunity to share in their home lives and hear what is going on with them personally, giving the church and Jesus an opportunity to work in these areas. This remains an ongoing task to influence young people positively for Christ.
Looking Ahead
We recently redefined our vision: “To be a youth group that makes disciples of Jesus Christ”, As simple as it sounds, it really isn’t. It’s hard to make disciples when there is a leadership team of four or five young adults trying to disciple 35 or 40 participants. With this is mind, a teen bible study was started called ‘Vision’, aimed specifically at the older, more mature teens in our church. The goal here is to create a pipeline of mature, Bible-loving, young people, who will join us in making disciples in the future.

Children’s Church
We call it GAME – God And Me Eternally. This time for children runs concurrently with the Sunday Morning Service at 9am. All kids are welcome, with moms and dads if you prefer!
GAME aims to be the best 80 minutes of your child’s week. Teachers are trained and teach from an exciting curriculum. We offer a social programme that ensures our children have fun at church as well as learning.
Game training is offered periodically for our parents, as this provides an excellent opportunity for parents to learn to teach their kids. Not all of us can be Sunday School teachers, but all parents need to learn how to teach their children.
We hold family services once a quarter. These services are child-friendly and give the younger members of the church a chance to serve the whole congregation. We also put on a Christmas play each year.
Church needs to be a place of fellowship but also a place where parents and families feel welcome. Christ’s love must be taught as well as shown to our children and we try our utmost to ensure our kids enjoy themselves as they learn from God’s word.
All children’s workers are subject to the requirements of the Children’s Act, 2005 and the Children’s Amendment Act, 2007. They have each signed their commitment to maintain its standards.
Prayer Chain
It is our privilege to offer you confidential daily prayer support, so reach out if your heart is burdened with trouble or suffering.
The Prayer Chain continues to receive requests for confidential prayer from the congregation. This year we have received numerous requests as people turn to us to pray for them and their needs.
When we receive prayer requests we pray immediately for the person concerned. We regularly review or change prayers as circumstances determine. It is therefore very important that our prayer team receives feedback regarding the prayer request in order that we can pray effectively. Unless we are specifically advised of changed circumstances which require additional prayer we will pray for a 30 day period for each request. Please help us to help you.
Our prayer team remains dedicated and motivated and the congregation is always assured of complete confidentiality in all matters of prayer.
We continue to see prayers answered by our Gracious Father and Saviour.
We need to see prayer as both our privilege but also our responsibility. God hears and uses our prayers. We must prioritise prayer at every opportunity, both privately and whenever the church gathers to pray. Shape what you pray for by the Bible prayers, especially ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. We pray for what God says we pray for and thankfully He includes our needs, but not only them.

Ministry to senior members of the congregation is made up of a weekly Bible study and a monthly lunch. Go-Getters, the lunch event, is celebrating its 6th Birthday this year.
As a group we’ve enjoyed great fellowship and have thoroughly enjoyed our journey through Genesis, its history of creation, the fall of man, the flood and God’s covenants with Noah, Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the story of Joseph and the beginnings of the 12 tribes of Israel. In all this it’s plain to see how God uses both believers and non-believers to accomplish His plans.
We have grown closer to the Lord as individuals and as a group, through studying this remarkable book. There has been a free exchange of ideas and thoughts about the subjects discussed and our public prayer life is also improving.
Supporting the Needy
We serve the needy and homeless through the Hillbrow shelter & Aids Centre, a local Aids crèche and an orphanage.
We offer General, Pre-Marital, Marriage enhancement, Divorce recovery and Parenting guidance.
Service opportunities exist in our church
If you are a committed Christian and willing to serve the Lord in a local Church, then we have a place for you in one of our many ministries such as Singing and Music, Stewardship, Sound ministry, Visitation, Hospitality, Outreaches to vulnerable communities, Sunday School, Youth and Leading services. Feel free to introduce yourself to the Rector by contacting us.
Jason Devenish