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God's Sovereign Mercy
Changed by Grace
Genuine Gospel Ministry - 1
Fake Gospel Workers
God's One Way of Salvation
Changed to Love
Genuine Gospel Ministry -2
God Glorified
God's Mercy Overflows
Changed to Submit
Genuine Gospel Workers

Comfort for God's People
The Opposed Saviour
Luke 5:12-32 - The Saviour Who Forgives Sin
God's Servant King
The Saviour Preaches
The Saviour's Challenge
The Authentic Saviour
The Saviour Who Calls Sinners to Service

Hope has a Name
Hope Accomplished
Hope Secured

Its Focus
Its Godliness
Its Goal
Its Fight
Its Order
Its Care
Its Saviour
Its Leaders
Its Charge

Rejoice in Having His Word
Rejoice in the Lost being Found

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